Mobile App


Done-For-You Exercise Routines

With our App, you'll receive customized exercise routines for up to 8 weeks.

In the app, you'll have videos that show you exactly how to perform each movement, so you'll know you're exercising safely and with maximum benefit.



Follow The Meal Plan

Your plan is displayed with options to exchange foods for preferences


Track Your Progress

Keep a food and exercise journal, sync with Fitbit and supported wearables


Workout Planner

Plan and track your workout schedule in a list or a calendar view


Exercise Database

Find your favorite exercises from our database of nearly 1,000 exercise videos


Excercise Details

Watch videos of each exercise movement and follow instructions, steps, reps, weight, speed, and distance, etc


   My Goal screen

Keep track of your weight changes and goals


   Today's Summary Screen

Gives you a summary of today's activities and totals



Receive daily fit tips and inspirational messages


   Grocery List screen

View and manage your healthy food list for shopping


   Bar Code Scanner

Add custom foods easily from nutritional labels

Start Your Journey

Experience My Moves Workout

  • Follow simple workout routines customized to your level of fitness
  • Learn how to exercise properly with video demonstrations of various movements
  • Enjoy tracking your progress on your smarthphone
  • Ask questions and get feedback from your coach
Complete Guidance

That Fits Your Lifestyle



The MyMoves Details

Screen displays specific information about each exercise movement.
This includes video content link, instructions, sets, repetitions, weight, speed, distance, etc. The Details screen also allows exchanging of exercises, adding additional sets and repetitions and deletion of these items.


Calender View

Use the convenient MyMoves calendar to view and plan your workout schedule. Touch on a day to view the exercises assigned. Once you have completed the exercise, touch on the box to mark as done.
Touch on the exercise to see the Exercise Details screen.

List View

The List View of MyMoves allows you to see at-a-glance your schedule of past and upcoming workouts. Check boxes are made available to identify which workouts have been completed. Quickly jump to any day's workout or toggle back to the Calendar view.


Exercise Database

Search the database of nearly 1,000 exercise videos. Refine your search by body part or search tag keywords such as kettle bell, dumbbell, yoga and more. Can't find the video you need? Upload your own custom exercise video links from youtube or vimeo.


  • Testimonial Picture of Yazmín (2)
    I'm very happy. My self-esteem has improved a lot. I feel beautiful again. I hope to meet you soon to thank you in person
  • Testimonial Picture of Diego (2)
    I have no more words to thank for the positive change that you influenced me, Andrea. Today I weigh 216.2 pounds. God bless you and compensate you with the good service you provide to the community of Guatemala and the world.
  • Testimonial Picture of Ruama (2)
    The Program has undoubtedly changed my life. It has given me the opportunity to think about myself again and not only feel good on the inside, but also on the outside. I always thought that dieting suffered but with your lifestyle change program it is a total joy. Thank you very much doctor for all your support and encouragement during this process that is still ongoing. I would definitely recommend you with my eyes closed because with your guide, a goal that seemed impossible is becoming reality.
  • Testimonial Picture of Jonathan (2)
    I really never imagined that my life would change so much for the better, just by improving my eating habits. Infinite thanks for all your enthusiasm and your professionalism on this path, changing habits is not easy at all but it is definitely worth it. I started with 248lbs a year ago and today 153lbs, I improved my mood, my self-esteem, I no longer get fatigued when climbing stairs or walking, even things as simple as tying shoes were starting to get annoying and today it is simple. Little things that often go unnoticed but for someone who fights against obesity are daily battles. Also, with your advice and diet, not only did I lose weight, my health in general has improved a lot. Blessings and Hugs.
  • Testimonial Picture of Atabel (2)
    Knowing the program of Dr. Andrea, made me understand the importance of keeping my body free of foods that we believe are what we need and that is not the case, it also helped me to establish a new lifestyle that I would not change for anything!
  • Testimonial Picture of Joel (2)
    My family has motivated me, they have helped me and to this day they are with me and they see me as an example for them and others. It has been 5 incredible months, where I have seen immense changes, radical changes and I am literally another person. June 2,021 I can say that I am close to my goal, my current weight is 215 lbs., it is still missing and I know I will achieve it. It's 75 lbs. less which were killing me. I feel healthy, I feel good, I feel free. I can dress however I want and I feel very energetic. Thanks to Dr. Andrea Esteban, her help and follow-up have allowed me to do great things. Thanks to my uncles Vilma and Samuel Charuco, for insisting on being able to change my physical appearance and my life. Thanks to my parents because they joined me to follow the same style of food and life and change their way of seeing and thinking. They have always been for me. Thank you all for so much support and being with me.

  • Testimonial Picture of Yazmín (2)
    Estoy muy contenta. Mi autoestima ha mejorado muchísimo. Me siento hermosa otra vez. Espero conocerle pronto para agradecerle en persona.
  • Testimonial Picture of Diego (2)
    No Tengo Palabras más que agradecer el cambio positivo que influiste en mí Andrea. El día de hoy ya peso 216.2 libras. Dios te bendiga y te compense con el buen servicio que brindas a la comunidad de Guatemala y el mundo.
  • Testimonial Picture of Ruama (2)
    El Programa sin duda alguna ha cambiado mi vida. Me ha dado la oportunidad de volver a pensar en mí y no solamente sentirme bien por dentro, sino también por fuera. Siempre pensé que al hacer una dieta se sufría pero con su programa de cambio de estilo de vida es un gozo total. Mil gracias doctora por todo su apoyo y sus ánimos durante este proceso que aún continúa. Definitivamente le recomendaría con los ojos cerrados porque con su guía, una meta que parecía imposible se va volviendo realidad.
  • Testimonial Picture of Jonathan (2)
    De verdad que nunca imaginé que mi vida cambiaría tanto para bien, sólo con mejorar mis hábitos alimenticios. Infinitas gracias por todo tu entusiasmo y tu profesionalismo en este camino, cambiar hábitos no es para nada fácil pero definitivamente vale la pena. Inicié con 248lbs hace un año y hoy 153lbs, mejoré mi estado de ánimo, mi auto estima, ya no me fatigo al subir gradas o caminar, incluso cosas tan sencillas como amarrar los zapatos se empezaba a hacer molesto y hoy es sencillo. Pequeñas cosas que muchas veces pasan desapercibidas pero para alguien que lucha contra la obesidad son batallas diarias. Además con tu asesoría y la dieta no sólo baje de peso mi salud en general ha mejorado mucho. Bendiciones y un fuerte abrazo.
  • Testimonial Picture of Atabel (2)
    Conocer el programa de la Dra. Andrea, me hizo entender la importancia de mantener mi cuerpo libre de alimentos que creemos que son lo que nuestro cuerpo necesita y no es así, además me ayudó a establecer un nuevo estilo de vida que no cambiaría por nada!
  • Testimonial Picture of Joel (2)
    con 290lbs en mi cuerpo, sin ninguna enfermedad, mucha gente, amigos y familia me decían que estaba muy gordo, yo me sentía bien, sin ningún problema y tampoco enfermedad alguna, no sabia que estaba a punto de crear un sufrimiento para toda la vida y así mismo una tumba. Llegue a tener un 46 de IMC. Por medio familiares conocí la dieta Cetogénica o Keto, es un dieta perfecta, sana, sin necesidad de nada mas que hacer las cosas con disciplina y perseverancia siempre enfocado en el objetivo, unas comidas deliciosas, utilizando el ayuno intermitente, llegue solamente al punto de comer 1 vez por día, todos me dirán, que difícil, pero se siente tan bien. Mi familia me ha motivado, me han ayudado y hasta el día de hoy están conmigo y me ven como ejemplo para ellos y los demás. Ha sido 5 meses increíbles, donde he visto cambios inmensos, cambios radicales y literalmente soy otra persona. Junio 2,021 puedo decir que estoy cerca de mi meta, mi peso actual es de 215 Lbs, aun falta y se que lo lograre. Son 75 lbs menos las cuales me estaban matando. Me siento sano, me siento bien, me siento libre. Puedo vestirme como quiera y me siento con mucha energía. Gracias a la Dra. Andrea Esteban su ayuda y seguimiento me han permitido, hacer grandes cosas. Gracias a mis tíos Vilma y Samuel Charuco, por insistir en poder cambiar mi aspecto físico y mi vida. Gracias a mis padres porque se unieron a mi a seguir el mismo estilo de alimentación y vida y cambiar su manera de ver y pensar. Siempre han estado para mi. Gracias a todos por tanto apoyo y estar conmigo.